
The Volunteer Centre understands that people have many demands on their time and feel unsure about making a regular commitment to volunteering, as well as the emotional investment it may require.

Flexiteering provides the perfect solution for people with skills to share, but limited time. Flexiteers will experience all the rewards of volunteering, knowing that they are adding value to the West Berkshire community.

Once registered as a flexiteer, the Volunteer Centre will keep you informed when local charities, voluntary and community groups tell us they have a requirement for the help of a volunteer for a short term, or one off project or activity.

As a flexiteer, you will have the freedom to choose which activities you would like to get involved with – suiting your interests, skills and availability.

Caroline runs her own business and says:
“The flexiteer project is a fantastic idea, because it enables me to engage with volunteering in a way that doesn’t require me to make a regular commitment that I will be unable to sustain. Now I have registered, I am able to learn about opportunities to get involved with activities that help others by using my business skills, or perhaps doing something completely different!”

Registering your skills

Registering as a flexiteer is easy – following the completion of a simple form you will immediately learn about volunteering opportunities that might interest you.

Listed below are examples of the types of skills flexiteers can register with us. Perhaps you have an interest in IT, a flair for finance, or are a website wizard, but whatever your skills this is an opportunity to share them in a bite sized way.

  • Building, Architecture, Planning & Property
  • Media & Press Relations
  • HR advice
  • Project Planning & Management
  • Administration
  • Website development
  • Marketing & Publicity
  • Artistic & Creative
  • Business Planning
  • Grant & Funding bid writing
  • IT advice
  • Financial Planning & Controls
  • Effective use of social networking sites

Please read how flexiteers have been working to benefit West Berkshire charities and voluntary groups.

To find out more and to register as a flexiteer, please call the office on 01635 49004 to ask for an appointment, or email vbase@vcwb.org.uk

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