In order for our sector to be effective it is essential that we support one another, understand how our services work together and influence decision-making by our statutory partners that will impact on those we support.

VCWB have several established and new forums that allow the sector to achieve these aims.

Membership is free and open to representatives of all voluntary, self-help, not for profit (including CICs) charities or organisations that provide services in West Berkshire.

 Statutory partners are invited to the forums to develop relationships and enable an understanding of how the sectors could work together. 

 We are happy to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in any of our forums –

 please e-mail to request an invite.

West Berkshire Voluntary Sector Voice

This forum brings together a variety of West Berkshire charities and voluntary organisations, to network with others, explore opportunities to work together, share challenges concerns and learn from each other with regards to best practice in the sector. 

The forum meets online quarterly.

Upcoming meeting dates: TBC


Voluntary Sector Arts Voice

Aimed at organisations delivering arts for wellbeing, this forum meets quarterly at Broadway House and in community venues across West Berkshire.  The forum aims to create a collaborative approach to arts activities across the district to benefit the residents of West Berkshire.

Upcoming meeting dates:  15th January 2025

Voluntary Sector Sports Voice

Focused on voluntary Sports groups across the district, this forum aims to achieve a joined up approach to sport for health and wellbeing across the district, where possible sharing resources and expertise to the benefit of the residents of West Berkshire.  Where challenges arise that affect the sector, the members of this forum can come together to find solutions and influence change.

Upcoming meeting dates: 13th December 2024

Children and Young People Voice

The forum is made up from a selection of Voluntary and Community sector organisations supporting Children, Young People and Families across West Berkshire. We meet regularly in Newbury town centre, members of the forum represent the sector at strategic level in boards such as Local Safeguarding Children Board* and Health and Wellbeing Board**.

Upcoming meeting dates:  3rd December 2024

Special Educational Needs and Disability Providers Voice

Bringing together voluntary sector organisations who are providing Special Educational needs and disability support and activity, this forum meets regularly to discuss the challenges that providers and their clients are facing and creating ways to work together to achieve better outcomes for the end user and their families and carers.

Upcoming meeting dates:  18th December 2024

 Voluntary Sector Community Transport Voice

Bringing together the voluntary organisations that are providing community car and handybus schemes across the district with colleagues from West Berkshires Transport Team to share best practice and information that will lead to improved service for their clients.

*Section 13 of the Children Act 2004 requires each local authority to establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) for their area.  West Berkshire LSCB is made up of organisations which work with children and young people. The LSCB is the key mechanism for agreeing how local services and professionals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

 The LSCB is responsible for:

  •            Co-ordinating the activities of all agencies concerned with the protection of children

  •            Developing and agreeing local policies and procedures

  •            Assuring the quality of child protective services

  •           Raising awareness in the wider community of the need to safeguard children 

       **The West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board
        The Health and Social Care Act 2012 established Health and Wellbeing Boards as a forum where key leaders from the health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities.
        The West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board is committed to improving health and wellbeing of the population across the district, through the development of improved and integrated health and social care services. This includes overseeing the preparation of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) with the relevant Clinical Commissioning Group and approving the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
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