Past Events

Meet The Funder Day

23 September 2024 , 10.00 – 4.00 p.m

Join us at Broadway House on Monday 23 September 2024, for this great opportunity to meet a mix of local and national funders face to face in Newbury.  This event is perfect for those responsible for fundraising on behalf of their charity or voluntary organisation. 

Book 15 minute 1-2-1 appointments with one or all the funders at the event to

  • discuss current and upcoming funding opportunities

  • get a better understanding of the eligibility criteria, application process, deadline and amounts you can apply for

  • discuss and ask questions about your project’s eligibility for funding

Spaces are limited to 20 appointments per funder and must be booked in advance. 

If you want to see more than one funder, we will do our best to book consecutive appointments, but this might not always be possible, and you may have to wait between appointments in our waiting room.

Meet The Funder Day
30 November 2023

Join us at Broadway House on Thursday 30 November, for this a rare opportunity to meet a mix of local and national funders face to face in Newbury. This event is perfect for those responsible for fundraising on behalf of their charity or voluntary organisation. 

Book 20 minute 1-2-1 appointments with one or all the funders at the event to

 1- discuss current and upcoming funding opportunities

2- get a better understanding of the eligibility criteria, application process, deadline and amounts you can apply for 

3- discuss and ask questions about your project’s eligibility for funding

Joining us on the day are:

·      Berkshire Community Foundation

·     Greenham Trust

·      Sport England

·      Tesco Community Grants

·      The Wooden Spoon Charity

How to book:

Spaces are limited to 15 appointments per funder and must be booked in advance. 

If you want to see more than one funder, we will do our best to book consecutive appointments, but this might not always be possible and you may have to wait between appointments. 

If you turn up on the day without an appointment, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to see the funder that you want to, as priority will be given to booked attendees.

Slide show of the Knowledge Event Pitcures

Monday 20 March 2023 – Voluntary Sector Knowledge Event

A showcase of the voluntary and charity sector as nearly 100 organisations fill Shaw House and promote their services to visitors from local government, town and parish councils and frontline services such as the emergency services, healthcare and education.

This is your invitation to visit our Knowledge Event on

Monday 20 March at Shaw House.

Running from 9.30am until 4pm, the event will be a great opportunity to see the variety of voluntary and charitable organisations providing services across West Berkshire and to make connections.  Simply come along at any point during the day or register here, stalls will be running all day. Please find below the programme to help you plan your visit.

*Please note: between the times of 9.50am and 11.30am access to the event will be restricted due to the attendance of our Royal Guest, HRH the Duchess of Gloucester.    To get the maximum impact from your visit we encourage you to attend before or after these times. 

9.30am             Doors open to the public

9.45am             Introduction to the day by Garry Poulson – Director of VCWB

9.50am             Opening address by Chairman of West Berkshire Council, Cllr Rick Jones – The Great Hall

10.30am*          Arrival of HRH Duchess of Gloucester

10.40am*          Keynote speaker – State of the nation – Sarah Vibert, National Council for Voluntary Organisations – The Great Hall

11am*              Royal guided tour (please note during this time access to each room will be limited as HRH is accompanied around the stalls by our  Director Garry Poulson)

12 midday        Presentation to HRH the Duchess of Gloucester as she departs by Mary Baker the longest serving volunteer (49 years) of Volunteer Centre West Berkshire

1pm                 Seminar 1 – Media Marketing Arithmetic** – Rob Cao, Dynamiq & Lauren Lunn Farrow, The Expert Agency – The Great Hall

2pm                 Seminar 2 – Mental Wellbeing in the workplace** – Abigail Hirshman, Charlie Waller Trust – The Great Hall

3pm                 Workshop 1 – Community Voice sing-along** – Kat Penn, VoxThrive – The Great Hall

4pm                 Close

**aimed at volunteers and employees of Voluntary Sector Organisations and Charities.

Timings are subject to change.

Saturday 14 January 2023 – V365 (Volunteer Recruitment Event)

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