Running from 9.30am until 4pm, the event will be a great opportunity to see the variety of voluntary and charitable organisations providing services across West Berkshire and to make connections. Simply come along at any point during the day or register here, stalls will be running all day. Please find below the programme to help you plan your visit.
*Please note: between the times of 9.50am and 11.30am access to the event will be restricted due to the attendance of our Royal Guest, HRH the Duchess of Gloucester. To get the maximum impact from your visit we encourage you to attend before or after these times.
9.30am Doors open to the public
9.45am Introduction to the day by Garry Poulson – Director of VCWB
9.50am Opening address by Chairman of West Berkshire Council, Cllr Rick Jones – The Great Hall
10.30am* Arrival of HRH Duchess of Gloucester
10.40am* Keynote speaker – State of the nation – Sarah Vibert, National Council for Voluntary Organisations – The Great Hall
11am* Royal guided tour (please note during this time access to each room will be limited as HRH is accompanied around the stalls by our Director Garry Poulson)
12 midday Presentation to HRH the Duchess of Gloucester as she departs by Mary Baker the longest serving volunteer (49 years) of Volunteer Centre West Berkshire
1pm Seminar 1 – Media Marketing Arithmetic** – Rob Cao, Dynamiq & Lauren Lunn Farrow, The Expert Agency – The Great Hall
2pm Seminar 2 – Mental Wellbeing in the workplace** – Abigail Hirshman, Charlie Waller Trust – The Great Hall
3pm Workshop 1 – Community Voice sing-along** – Kat Penn, VoxThrive – The Great Hall
4pm Close
**aimed at volunteers and employees of Voluntary Sector Organisations and Charities.
Timings are subject to change.