Where did we come from?

In 1974 the government of the day wanted to see better coordinated voluntary action. A steering group chaired by the Reverend Michael Scott Joynt of Newbury Churches worked together in 1973 and established the Newbury Volunteer Bureau in 1974. We are now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation no. 1156302.

The Charity’s first home was in offices above the old Newbury Plaza in the Market Place, and from there it moved across the Market Place to the Town Hall.

And now?

In 1995 the Charity moved to Bolton Place just off Northbrook Street opposite Camp Hopson. Purpose refurbished Victorian cottages now house this vibrant and forward thinking charity. In 2004 its name was changed to Volunteer Centre West Berkshire.

Currently our new home is Broadway house, near clock tower.

In July 21, Volunteer Centre West Berkshire and Greenham Trust announced our Voluntary Sector Support Alliance. Our two charities have formed this alliance to better support new and existing community and voluntary groups across the district.

The organisation provides a range of direct services to the public, but its overriding ethos is to match local people to local need. The computerised Job Shop for volunteers now carries details about more than 350 volunteering opportunities in West Berkshire; visitors to Broadway house are always amazed at just how many things can be done in a voluntary capacity.

We also provide services and information to those looking to start and fund charities.

The Charity is governed by a board of Charity Trustees, and is managed on a day to day basis by a dedicated team of people, led by the Charity’s CEO, Rachel Peters.

The Charity invites you to make contact with them to find out more about their services from both a user’s and potential volunteer’s perspective. They look forward to hearing from you.

Know your Trustees

As of April 2024 the trustees are:

  • Brien Beharrell, Chair
  • Chris Armitage, Hon. Treasurer
  • Gary Walsh
  • Ellis Banfield
  • Ian Nichol
  • Malcolm Poynter
  • Paul Allen
  • Rob Cao
  • Lesley Wyman 
  • Rachel Peters – CEO
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